Thursday, June 12, 2008

Jensson says hi

Hi, family, and friends, this is me, "Jensson The Great" (Wesley says). Regretfully soccer has ended so I have to look for other things to do this summer. There are not alot of things to do when all of my friends live in Syracuse. So what I'm reduced to is mowing lawns and watering horses so that I can buy a video game for my Wii. But also mom has got me working hard on scouts because i only have one year till I'm 14, and after that I'll probably never work on it again.I'm doing really good I almost a star and I'm working hard on merit badges. I've already gotten 6 badges and I'm still working hard on 6 others. Well at least life is good with my family and all, I have a good job (that pays well in my opinion), and lots of friends. I'm finally as old as most of them because I just turned 13. I'm ready for school next year because now I'm an 8th grader and I still might be the smallest 13 yr old, but I have all my friends to back me up if something bad happens, even though I can fend for myself. Well thats what I am now.


Anonymous said...

hey bud, you're awesome, keep busy...see you soon

Randi said...

Keep working on your ninja skills, Bowstaff skills, and puma skills. Start practicing your golf swing because when we get out there I expect great things! See ya in August!
- Paul